Chess to Enjoy (PDF files, images, etc.)

Chess can be amusing and sometimes even comical.

Here are some PDF files to download and enjoy the game in a different way.

Many of these PDF files are copied from my chess website, But you have my permission to print them for your own personal use.





Sometimes when a stronger player meets a weaker player over the board, he (or she!) may offer his (or her!) opponent an advantage in time, winning conditions, or pieces at the start of the game. Most of the time, this advantage (usually known as “giving odds”), will take the form of the stronger player willfully giving up material at the beginning of the game.


Here are a few of the more memorable ones.


PDF file on playing at: odds



Chess, like so many well-known activities, can be the subject of humor. Here is a PDF file to pick up your spirits after a tough loss.


When you need a laugh: humor1



More to come!